
Signing up for Google - AdSense What is Google AdSense

3 min read

 Google AdSense is a service from Google that allows people with a website to earn money from Google by taking their own website to become a member of Google, after which Google will determine and deliver advertisements with relevant content to our website. For example the website we do about travel companies The ads submitted are of the type of ads related to tours, hotels, airlines, or beauty. Beauty products come to our website, etc.

Google AdSense  apply at the URL below.

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    • Enter your website URL.
    • Your email address

    To receive news from AdSense, click Yes. If not receiving news, click No.

    Then click save and continue.

    The next step comes choose a country and click accept the agreement and click create account

    Then the system will come to the login page to login to the system, login with your Gmail account

    Click Get started. And follow the steps of the system

    Fill out the payment address details. Make sure that it is correct and true and click submit.

    Next step click Copy the code as shown and put it on the website, then click  I have pasted the code to the site and press Done.

    Put the code and paste it on your website, go to the website management menu > website settings> supported code. Place the code at  and press Open then save as shown.

    After that, back to AdSense, the system waits for account opening. And there will be a notification mail to the Gmail account you have applied for to notify the results within 1 day.

    If the website meets the conditions of  AdSense, you will receive a second part of the code and attach it to the website and be able to take the next step from the system. And set up to show brander at the website and get income from google ^^

    You can learn more information from AdSense at this link.

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