To get started using AdSense on WordPress, all you need to do is log in to your WordPress site and then install the plug-in called All-in-One-SEO. This will automatically display a variety of different ads based upon your keyword selections. You have the ability to choose the color of the ads as well as the text that you want to be associated with them. The great thing about using ads that are displayed on your blog is that they are contextual - meaning that your readers are able to click on the ads based upon what they are searching for. So, when someone searches for the term "dog training", if your ad appears in that search, then it will appear under the section of dog training.
Once you have installed the plug-in, you need to sign up for an AdSense account. There are many companies that offer AdSense accounts, so it is recommended that you do some research before making your decision. Once you have signed up for an AdSense account, it is recommended that you also create a website that uses the same platform as your AdSense account. This will allow you to have the ads appear on your site - and then you can convert these ads into actual clicks. We hope that this article has helped you learn how to add adsense to WordPress.